New York Finish Line Common Core ELA 3rd Edition Grade 1-8

New York Finish Line Common Core ELA 3rd Edition Grade 1-8
Student Books
Each book includes 300+ pages.
The gradual release model features 4 parts: Skill Introduction, Focused Instruction, Guided Practice, and Independent Practice.
Guided questions model the thought process.
Language Arts/Writing is integrated into each book. A full unit of writing and language standards helps students practice the writing process, learn how to answer open-ended questions, and apply grammar and usage conventions.
Reviews include assessment-type items in the Independent Practice sections and unit reviews.
Lessons emphasize close reading of rigorous text. Much like your standards and assessments, students are required to find evidence from the text to support their answers.
A glossary in each book includes key vocabulary terms that appear in boldface throughout the book.
Teacher Support
Annotated teacher’s editions include suggestions for use/teaching strategies; answer key with answer analysis, and CCLS and Depth of Knowledge (DOK) correlations; speaking, writing, and media/research activities; Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary; and ELL support.
Book Dimensions: 8 1/2" x 11"
Page Count: grades 1–2: 300 pages; grades 3–8: 304–350 pages
Guide Page Count: approx. 200
Guide Book Dimension: 8 1/2" x 11"
ELA Grade1 9780845479230, 9780845479230
ELA Grade2 9780845479247, 9780845479247
ELA Grade3 9780845479254, 9780845479254
ELA Grade4 9780845479261, 9780845479261
ELA Grade5 9780845479278, 9780845479278
ELA Grade6 9780845479285, 9780845479285
ELA Grade7 9780845479292, 9780845479292
ELA Grade8 9780845479208, 9780845479309
Title (Student Edition) ISBN
Finish Line New York ELA Grade 1 9780845479155
Finish Line New York ELA Grade 2 9780845479162
Finish Line New York ELA Grade 3 9780845479179
Finish Line New York ELA Grade 4 9780845479186
Finish Line New York ELA Grade 5 9780845479193
Finish Line New York ELA Grade 6 9780845479209
Finish Line New York ELA Grade 7 9780845479216
Finish Line New York ELA Grade 8 9780845479223
Teacher's Edition
Finish Line New York Math Grade 1 9780845479230
Finish Line New York Math Grade 2 9780845479247
Finish Line New York Math Grade 3 9780845479254
Finish Line New York Math Grade 4 9780845479261
Finish Line New York Math Grade 5 9780845479278
Finish Line New York Math Grade 6 9780845479285
Finish Line New York Math Grade 7 9780845479292
Finish Line New York Math Grade 8 9780845479308