New York Progress English Language Arts Grades K-8

New York Progress English Language Arts Grades K-8
Student Book
In a full-color, magazine-like design, the Student Worktext supplements your English language arts program by providing opportunities to:
Build academic vocabulary
Write in response to sources
Engage in substantive, academic discussion
Use the rules of standard English correctly
Read complex text independently
Organized by standards, the Reading and Writing Units are linked by theme. Reading Units incorporate a variety of genre. Writing Units provide instruction and practice for a range of writing types.
Teacher?�?s Edition
Effectively supplement mathematics instruction with:
Learning Progressions that show how standards are developed in the previous, current, and next grades to target instruction
Instructional models and plans for every lesson based on the gradual release of responsibility model
The Standards for Mathematical Practice woven into all lessons to help students conceptualize mathematics
Assessments include score rubrics, item analysis, common error diagnosis, and prescriptions
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