Barron's Algebra I

Barron's Algebra I
from $9.99
This up-to-date book, completely aligned with Common Core standards, will prepare students for the new Algebra I (Common Core) Regents exam. It features:
- 6 actual Regents exams administered for the updated Algebra I course
- A clear overview of the Common Core-based Standards and Regents Exam Format
- Comprehensive review questions, grouped by topic
- All answers fully explained
- Study tips, test-taking strategies, score analysis charts, and more valuable features
- Students will find a review of all pertinent math topics, including sets, algebraic language, linear equations and formulas, ratios, rates, and proportions, polynomials and factoring, radicals and right triangles, area and volume, quadratic and exponential functions, and much more. It's an essential, must-have guide to preparing for the Algebra I (Common Core) Regents.
This updated book prepares students for the new Algebra I (Common Core) exam. This ideal companion to high school textbooks covers all Algebra I topics prescribed by the New York State Board of Regents, and features:
- In-depth Regents exam preparation, including two recent Algebra I Regents exams and answer keys
- Easy to read topic summaries
- Step-by-step demonstrations and examples
- Review of all Algebra I topics
- Hundreds of sample questions with fully explained answers for practice and review, and more.
Teachers can also use this book to plan lessons and as a helpful resource for practice, homework, and test questions.
LET'S REVIEW ALGEBRA I (ISBN: 9781506266244)