Spectrum Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication,Fraction Grade K~6

Spectrum Addition,Subtraction,Multiplication,Fraction Grade K~6
Solid math skills and proper math development add up to a successful math journey. Spectrum® Addition for kindergarten uses a systematic approach and focused instruction to develop addition skills using numbers one through ten—the perfect start to math readiness.
Aligned to state standards, Spectrum Addition for kindergarten includes activities such as using visual models to represent problems, equation writing, strategies for making 10, and fluency drills.
The Spectrum series offers early learning workbooks that help your child thrive in today’s standards-based classroom. Spectrum Addition builds math readiness with rigorous practice. This resource provides focused instruction and a systematic approach to skill development for concept mastery.
Spectrum is your child’s path to academic success. This best-selling workbook series provides quality educational activities that meet your child’s needs for learning achievement. These comprehensive workbooks address essential skills in reading, language arts, math, and science. Students in prekindergarten to grade 8 will find lessons and exercises that help them progress through increasingly difficult subject matter.
No matter your child’s academic need, Spectrum is with you every step of the way.
Features: Answer Key
ISBN: 9781483831053, 9781483831060
Solid subtraction skills are essential for math development and a successful math journey. Spectrum® Subtraction for grade 1 uses a systematic approach and focused instruction to develop subtraction skills in numbers one through 100—the perfect start to math readiness.
Subtraction skills are a building block to create solid math proficiency. Spectrum Subtraction for grade 1 helps children use visual models to represent problems, understand unknown number equations, and strengthen place value strategies. This comprehensive workbook provides standards-based practice to elevate math readiness and establish a strong foundation for more complex math concepts.
Mastering math is a long process—start with the basics. Spectrum Subtraction helps children develop early math skills with practice and activities that strengthen their understanding of when, why, and how to use subtraction and other grade-specific math concepts.
Features: Answer Key
ISBN: 9781483831077, 9781483831084
Spectrum® Multiplication for grade 3, is designed to completely support and challenge third graders to master multiplication. This 96-page math workbook goes into great depth about multiplication and provides a wide range of examples, practice problems, and assessments to measure progress.
Builds a foundation in multiplying through 100
Step-by-step examples introduce new concepts
Pretests and Posttests to measure progress
Problem solving and critical thinking skills
Correlated to the Common Core Standards
Answer key.
The best–selling Spectrum® workbooks provide students with focused practice based on the essential skills they need to master for Common Core success. With explicit skill instruction, step-by-step examples, ample practice, as well as assessment tools for progress monitoring, students are provided everything they need to master specific math skills. Skill–specific Spectrum® workbooks are the perfect supplement for home or school.
Features: Answer Key
ISBN : 9781483804743, 9781483804767
Spectrum® Fractions for grade 6, is designed to completely support and challenge sixth graders to master fractions. This 96-page math workbook goes into great depth about fractions and provides a wide range of examples, practice problems, and assessments to measure progress.
Builds a foundation in adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing fractions
Step-by-step examples introduce new concepts
Pretests and Posttests to measure progress
Problem solving and critical thinking exercises
Correlated to the Common Core Standards
Answer key.
The best–selling Spectrum® workbooks provide students with focused practice based on the essential skills they need to master for Common Core success. With explicit skill instruction, step-by-step examples, ample practice, as well as assessment tools for progress monitoring, students are provided everything they need to master specific math skills. Skill–specific Spectrum® workbooks are the perfect supplement for home or school.
Features: Answer Key
ISBN: 9781483804781, 9781483804804