Real-Life Problem Solving Level A ~ H

Real-Life Problem Solving Level A ~ H
Make math meaningful to students. Real-Life Problem Solving uses engaging, kid-friendly lessons to reinforce their problem-solving skills and understanding of mathematics in their daily lives. In real life, the information needed to solve a problem may come from a variety of sources. The books introduce students to this idea.
Student books
The skills required in each workbook parallel the Common Core State Standards at grade level. Books are organized into two parts:
Part 1: Teaching Lessons
Students will learn the basic process for approaching problem solving, as well as specific approaches for solving eight different problem types. These lessons form the foundation for part 2.
Part 2: Practice Activities
Students are ready to apply what they’ve learned from part 1. Each of 28 practice activities presents a real-life situation with related problems to solve.
Teacher's guides
An easy-to-use resource for every level includes suggestions for use, identification of problem type(s) for each item, and complete answer key, including exemplary answers for written responses.
Book Dimensions: 8 1/2" x 11"
Page Count: approx. 112
Guide Page Count: approx. 24
Guide Book Dimension: 8 1/2" x 11"
Level A (Gr1) 9781524003395,9781524003470 Level B (Gr2) 9781524003401,9781524003487
Level C (Gr3) 9781524003418,9781524003494 Level D (Gr4) 9781524003425,9781524003500
Level E (Gr5) 9781524003432,9781524003517 Level F (Gr6) 9781524003449,9781524003524
Level G (Gr7) 9781524003456,9781524003531 Level H (Gr8) 9781524003463,9781524003548
Student Edition
Level ISBN
C 9781524003418
D 9781524003425
E 9781524003432
F 9781524003449
G 9781524003456
Teacher's Edition
Level ISBN
C 9781524003494
D 9781524003500
E 9781524003517
F 9781524003524
G 9781524003531