Basic Math Skills (Teacher Resource Book), Grade:1~6+

Basic Math Skills (Teacher Resource Book), Grade:1~6+
Basic Math Skills (Teacher Resource Book), Grade:1~6+
Publishing Co.: Evan~Moor
Skills practiced include:
Number and Operations
Compare and order positive rational numbers; use place value and rounding
Compute with whole
Identify odd, even, prime and composite numbers; identify factors and multiples
Compute with fractions
Compute with decimals
Identify equivalent values and compare sets and values
Describe and extend numerical patterns
Complete a function table (input/output table) with two operations
Write rules for a function table in the form of an expression
Locate points (including fractions and decimals) on a number line
Locate and plot ordered pairs on a coordinate graph (first quadrant only)
Identify and construct two-dimensional blueprints (nets) of three-dimensional figures
Identify congruent shapes using transformational geometry (rotations, translations, reflections)
Identify lines of symmetry in two-dimensional figures
Identify and order metric measurements
Identify, compare, and use customary and metric units of linear measurement
Find conversions between units within a system of linear measurement
Solve problems related to the calendar
Read a thermometer and solve problems related to temperature
Measure angles using a protractor, and classify angles as acute, obtuse, or right
Find perimeter of polygons
Find area of rectangles and squares
Estimate and calculate volumes of rectangular prisms
Data Analysis and Probability
Construct bar graphs, double bar graphs, line graphs, circle graphs, and stem and leaf plots
Interpret bar graphs, double bar graphs, line graphs, circle graphs, and stem and leaf
Analyze data utilizing a range, mean, median, and mode
Compute theoretical probabilities for simple chance events
Utilize counting techniques, tree charts, and organized lists to determine all possible combinations
ISBN: Grade 1 (9781557998965), Grade 2 (9781557998972), Grade 3 (9781557998989), Grade 4 (9781557999375)
Title ISBN
Basic Math Skills, Grade 1 9781557998965
Basic Math Skills, Grade 2 9781557998972
Basic Math Skills, Grade 3 9781557998989
Basic Math Skills, Grade 4 9781557999375
Basic Math Skills, Grade 5 9781557999382
Basic Math Skills, Grade 6+ 9781557999399