Go Math! Student Interactive Worktext Middle School Grade 6, 7 ,8

Go Math! Student Interactive Worktext Middle School Grade 6, 7 ,8

from $69.99

Supports standards mastery through interactive conceptual development as well as procedural fluency. Instructional paths and student learning tasks integrate the standards for mathematical practice and rigorous problem sets to prepare students for the new common assessments. This all-in-one workbook includes lesson development, Homework Practice, Extra Practice and Problem Solving, and Performance Tasks.
Grade 6 (2014) Workbook(9780544056725), Teacher Edition(9780544065710)
Grade 6 (2018) Workbook(9780544056725), Teacher Edition(9780544943681)
Grade 7 (2014) Workbook(9780544056756), Teacher Edition(9780544056787)
Grade 8 (2014) Workbook(9780544056787), Teacher Edition(9780544065512)

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